This website exist on the generous donations of Energy & Light workers around the world. 
 It is not to make a profit but to exist to share much needed resources.

  It is not meant to overwhelm with information but to help you discover the unique energy system with you.  I seek to teach you the basics and then help you to master the energy system within you. If you are new to Reiki I suggest you being with the Page Where to Begin.

I am a Master/Teacher of Usui Reiki for 18 years presently teaching over 130 forms of Reiki & Energy systems. The Guides have led me to discover resources within myself to share with you. 

  Remember you are a spiritual soul only here temporarily in human form...remember your experiences from other lives...reclaim the DNA information encoded within.  You are a child of the Universe and we together are here for a special purpose.

This website is supported by donations....
to contribute see the Page Suggested Donations....
thank you for your support!